
Expression of Interest- E&T Presenters
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Expression of Interest- E&T Presenters

Basketball WA is now calling for Expression of Interests for people interested in becoming Clinic and Workshops presenters for Basketball WA accredited courses.

People interested in presenting coaching, referee and match official courses are encouraged to email Vlad Alava to register their interest.

Please note that to be eligible for this opportunity, candidates must possess a current basketball qualification of at least the following:

Coaching: Level 1 Basketball Coach and above

Referee: Level 1 Referee Coach and above

Scoretable: Level 4 Scoretable

Statisticians: Level 4 Statisticians

Basketball WA will provide you with the necessary Presenter Training through the Department of Sport and Recreation to enable you to become recognised as an approved presenter along with the appropriate and current basketball coaching qualfications.

Email for more details.

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