Does your association or club deal with any issues in Basketball involving: fairness, equality, harassment or bullying, appropriate behaviours, child protection or risk management?
This fantastic website can help you!
Resources include free online training, interactive scenarios, guidelines and information sheets, and a new section ‘Got an Issue’.
Browse the site on topics such as:
Codes of conduct for standards of behaviour
Angry Parents
Verbally abusive coaches
Team selection
religious and disability inclusion
Girls playing in boys teams
Photographing Children
You can use Play by the Rules to:
Ensure coaches, adminsitrators, officials and referees understand their roles and responsibilities
Better understand sport and the law
Develop and review policies
Use the brochures as a way of cummunicating messages about sport being fun, fair and safe.
Useful Tips
Add ‘Play by the Rules’ as a reference link to your website
Use ‘Play by the Rules’ as a reference for relevant club policies