The Golden Star Boomers are now advertising the opportunity for select athletes and team managers to assist the Boomers at their first training camp of 2010 in Perth from June 20-24.
For information on these exciting opportunities offered at the camp read the position information below and click on the link to the Position Descriptions.
During the 2000 Olympics a very successful program was instigated which saw the AIS athletes at each of the basketball games as sweat wipers. This ensured that talented athletes were among the elite environment of the Olympics. It’s with this in mind that Basketball Australia has opened up an opportunity to a few select athletes (or shared by a team) to assist at the Boomers Camp.
Junior Assistant Position Description
One of the ever increasing roles has recently become that of team manager. In February of this year Basketball Australia held its second National Team Manager Workshop. It’s goal was to up skill the managers. One of the areas this process identified was the need to up skill managers at an earlier stage. Be it state team managers, managers of a junior national team or representative managers. The attached job description is an invitation to those managers that may learn from the experience of being around the Boomers. This position is not a token opportunity, Basketball Australia will be relying on them heavily in the lead up and during the actual camp.
Assistant Manager Position Description