
COVID19, Featured News, NBL1 WEST, WABL




Under the current state government directives, Basketball WA is pleased to confirm that basketball competitions can continue to be played from January 31st in Western Australia, both indoors and outdoors.

Mask wearing

However, indoor training and competition during this phase (in Perth, Peel and the South West) is still limited by the following:

  • Masks must be worn at all times indoors by everybody aged 12 and over, other than competitors when they are physically training and playing on court (exercising vigorously).
  • At training, coaches that are involved with their team on court may remove their mask.
  • During games, referees may remove their mask.
  • Please note that players on the bench should wear a mask during games. While it is understandable that players will generally have a drink and recover when they leave play and rest on the bench, after a reasonable time players should ensure they have a mask on.

It is a requirement that masks are worn at all other times and we ask you adhere to this requirement. It is highly likely that this requirement will remain in Western Australia for some months, so it is important for our sport that administrators, coaches, managers, participants, and parents all ensure we use our masks to limit possible spread of COVID within our indoor venues.

At this point in time we are not required to wear masks outdoors in Western Australia so outdoor competitions and training can occur without this restriction, noting that individuals may choose to a wear mask at any stage.


Standards of hygiene must remain of utmost importance so please remember to wash your hands regularly, stay 1.5m apart where you can, cover your mouth/nose when you cough/sneeze and stay at home if you are sick.


At this point in time the Chief Health Officer has advised that the physical and mental benefits of community sport outweigh any requirement for proof of vaccination and as such community sport is exempt from the requirement to provide proof of vaccination to participate.

However, there are requirements for some types of indoor venues to require proof of vaccination for entry. For instance, this is a requirement for gyms and fitness venues.

Basketball WA has been working closely with the Government, the Western Australian Local Government Association and many of the venues across Western Australia in which basketball is played. The vast majority of basketball in Western Australia is played in venues owned by Local Government and each Local Government will make their own decision about the requirement for entry to their venue. It is our understanding that for logistical reasons some multi-purpose indoor venues have decided that because some parts of their venue do require proof of vaccination, they will require all people who enter the venue (including those involved in basketball) to show proof of vaccination. Your own Association will communicate with you about the venues in which you participate.

It should be noted that while some venues may not require proof of vaccination for their competitions, some teams may train at other venues (such as schools) that will require proof of vaccination for entry. There are also some events within a venue that have a liquor licence associated with them that will require proof of vaccination for entry.

Bendat Stadium

Under the current State Directions, in line with the Health Advice, Basketball WA (in consultation with VenuesWest who own the venue) will not require proof of vaccination for entry to Bendat Stadium for community basketball. Proof of vaccination will only be required for specific events (such as Perth Lynx games) where a liquor licence is used.

Basketball WA Fuelling Champions Country Championships

The BWA Fuelling Champions Country Championships will be played at Bendat Stadium. At this point in time we will not require proof of vaccination for entry to Bendat Stadium during the Championships, but this is subject to change pending government directions over the course of the Championships.

Teams should also be aware that the Government have indicated it is very likely that if COVID cases rise they will shut regional borders to those who are not fully vaccinated in regions where vaccination rates remain low.

All people entering the stadium will be required to wear masks and we will be putting systems and procedures in place to limit the number of people in the stadium at any one time. These will be sent directly to all teams involved and will involve aspects such as requesting that teams leave the venue as soon as possible after their game.

WABL and NBL1 West

Over the coming weeks BWA will work with the Associations to confirm arrangements for their venues in relation to conditions of entry and discuss the WABL competition arrangements.

Once we are certain of entry conditions for the venues for which the respective grading tournaments are scheduled, we will ensure that all Associations are aware of this.

Given that proof of vaccination is required for entry to premises serving liquor, all participants (including players, coaches, and volunteers) and spectators in NBL1 West games will likely require proof of vaccination for NBL1 West games. This will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

We hope that all members of the basketball community look after themselves, their family and everyone involved with our basketball community by ensuring that you follow the protocols for basketball competition and training.

Summary of basic hygiene conditions:

  • Do not attend basketball competitions or training in any capacity if you have a fever, sore throat, a cough or shortness of breath.
  • We all need to wash and sanitise our hands when we enter and leave the basketball stadium.
  • Ensure that all participants in the game bring their own labelled water bottle and sweat towel and do not share any equipment or food.


DOWNLOAD – MR 25012022 (WA Basketball – Community Operations Alert)

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