Basketball WA, in recognition of the economic effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, would like to inform all stakeholders of the measures put in place by the Board to minimise the financial impact on the organisation.
The impact of the restrictions in place around the COVID-19 pandemic have been different across our State. Our Country Associations have a summer season and the majority were able to complete their season before the decision was made to stop basketball activity. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers in those Country Associations whose finals were impacted by the shut-down for the way you acted quickly, and without hesitation, to support this process.
For our Metropolitan Associations, the shut-down of basketball has had an effect at domestic, WABL and SBL level, and is having a significant impact on their financial capacities. Again, the Board appreciate the work done by all Association committees in working through these issues in a proactive and collaborative manner to enable basketball to be played as soon as possible.
The Board is conscious of the balance of using the organisation’s reserves whilst ensuring the capability of the organisation to be in a strong position to help basketball recover from this period of non-participation.
The Board has modelled our financial position based on the impact of the unavailability of basketball income and in line with the available State and Federal Government support packages that encourage and support organisations to maintain employment.
The organisation has continued to date, to maintain the employment of staff ensuring all current agreements in place, both in terms of income and programs, have been worked through and the position of all income streams verified. Staff have also taken leave including all staff being on leave for two weeks between Easter and Anzac Day.
To reduce operating costs while there is no basketball activity, the Board has worked with management and staff, and agreed that all permanent staff will be paid at 80% of their normal salary, post Anzac Day, until early June when more will be known about the duration of restrictions brought about by the pandemic, and the economic picture is potentially clearer.
The Board would like to thank the staff for working together to come to a solution that is positive for all parties.
The impacts on the basketball industry of the COVID-19 pandemic are bigger than just our organisation and we will work to support our basketball associations to the best of our ability during the coming months.
Basketball WA, like all sporting bodies, is planning for a return to training/play, although no one is certain when this will be possible, and many scenarios are being considered.
We will continue to seek advice from medical experts and relevant government agencies to ensure the health and safety of our participants, employees, volunteers and communities, and to return to business as soon as possible.
For further information or for any urgent matters during office closure please contact:
Rob Clement
Basketball WA
M: 0407 866 643
Evan Stewart
Deputy CEO
Basketball WA
M: 0401 781 902
22 April 2020